Why Does Flossing Hurt? 


Ah, the joys of a clean and healthy mouth! We all know that flossing is essential for maintaining optimal oral hygiene. But what if those tiny strings bring you more than just a fresh feeling—what if they cause dental pain in Summit, NJ? This blog post aims to address the common reasons behind the discomfort you might experience while flossing and offer some guidance.


Why Does Flossing Cause Dental Pain in Summit, NJ?


If you're experiencing pain while flossing, it's important not to ignore it. Dental pain can be a signal that something more serious is at play. Here are some of the most common reasons why you might be feeling that twinge or ache:


  1. Gingivitis: Red, swollen gums that bleed easily are often the first signs of gingivitis. Flossing may be uncomfortable or even painful if gingivitis is present.

  2. Incorrect Flossing Technique: Yes, there is a right way to floss! Aggressive or improper flossing can cause trauma to your gums, leading to temporary pain.

  3. Cavities or Tooth Decay: Pain while flossing can also indicate cavities between your teeth that you may not be aware of.


Keep in mind that brushing your teeth every day also contributes to more or less pain. If you don’t regularly brush your teeth twice a day, you can exacerbate the onset of gingivitis. 


When Should You Consult Your Dentist?


Experiencing occasional discomfort during flossing may not be a red flag, but persistent or severe pain should prompt a dental visit. Here are some scenarios when you should definitely consult your dentist:


  • You experience consistent pain even after multiple days of flossing.

  • The pain is accompanied by bleeding, swelling, or changes in the color of your gums.

  • You feel sharp or intense pain when flossing around a specific tooth or set of teeth.


How to Alleviate Dental Pain While Flossing


First and foremost, it's essential to get a proper diagnosis from your dentist. Depending on the cause, your dentist may recommend:


  1. Changing your flossing technique: Sometimes a simple adjustment in how you floss can make all the difference.

  2. Using medicated mouthwash: This can help in treating mild cases of gingivitis.

  3. Professional Cleaning: Plaque and tartar buildup can only be removed professionally, and this often helps in reducing dental pain.


Schedule an Appointment With Us Today


Nobody likes to experience dental pain, especially in something as routine as flossing. If you're experiencing dental pain in Summit, NJ, it's important to address it promptly. It might be a minor issue that can be easily fixed, or it could be a sign of something more serious. Either way, timely consultation with us is the key to a healthy, pain-free smile.


Remember, a happy mouth is a healthy mouth!


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