Dentist in Summit NJ area discuss Veneers vs Lumineers 

If you’re contemplating whether to get veneers or lumineers to achieve straight and attractive teeth, then you must know first their similarities and differences. While your dentist is the best person to advise you on what to get, it still pays to have a little bit of background. 


What is a veneer?


A veneer is a porcelain overlay that fits over your tooth; they sand off some of the thickness to apply it; otherwise, it would stick out further. It is a thin shell made out of porcelain or a composite material. They are customized and cemented to the front of your tooth. Veneers can also treat dental problems like discolored teeth, chipped teeth, crooked tooth, or use it to cover teeth gap.


What is a lumineer?


A lumineer is a thinner version of a veneer where it is placed over a tooth instead of grinding it down to like how a veneer is done.


So, what are the similarities of veneers and lumineers?


-            Straighten and align teeth

-            Stain proof

-            Durable and resilient

-            Natural-looking

-            Covers only what is visible

-            Conceals stains in teeth and fills chipped teeth


How do they differ from each other?


·           The thickness: Conventional veneer is about .5mm; lumineer is between .2mm to .3mm about the same thickness of a contact lens.

·           Preparation: A veneer requires grinding down about .5mm of original tooth to fit itself. A lumineer is placed over the tooth with no grinding down of tooth needed.

·           Reversibility: Putting a veneer requires removing part of a tooth, the damage on the tooth is irreversible, and it needs to be replaced by a new when it is broken. Lumineers, on the other hand, can be taken out any time since the original tooth is intact.

·           Procedure: Veneer procedure requires local anaesthesia to trim down tooth while lumineer procedure does not.

·           Post-procedure: Tooth sensitivity and discomfort may occur after a veneer procedure while there is minimal to none in lumineer post-procedure.

·           Cost: The veneers cost less than the lumineers.



Every set of teeth is unique and while veneers and lumineers are great, a dentist’s assessment will help you decide what dental procedure will help you achieve the perfect smile.

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